Undercover Cooler Fete 2025

By now allyuh realize Undercover won the fete cage match against Xperience. For all the talk allyuh south people have about how great down dey is, nobody offer to pick meh up. I coulda meet allyuh at the start of South inno...by Grand Bazaar.

Parking wasn't an issue for me since I rolled to the party solo like a Apple J and decided to be responsible and hire a driver. Parking at Drew Manor is always easy breezy lemon squezy though. The only issue was the Santa Cruz dew on the grass wetting up gal toes which is probably why I saw some that looked like kurma.

Once again there was no line to get in and the decor was the familiar green theme. There were ladies giving out shots, drink stations and a drinks bar for those freaks who don't like to walk with a cooler to a cooler fete. For some reason they persist with having these menaces on stilts near the entrance. It took all my strength not to pull soldier down by the piece of cloth that touched the top of my head.

The party seemed to have more people than last year. A few people told me they were there based on my recommendation. I was happy to meet quite a few Loggers including one crew that introduced themselves and even had their cooler stocked with gin. Well done ladies.

The vibe was exactly the same as last year. Half the fete was jamming and having a good time in front the stage and the other half was a backyard lime with people probably discussing insurance and Sunday lunch recipes. There was one section of folks seated on chairs. I admit I was jealous.

Initially I was happy to see they changed the DJ cast from last year. The music was excellent...for a fete set in the early 2000s. The DJs continue to drag the flag. Imagine being in a fete and getting 2 new songs per hour. The DJs distributing 2025 soca like is USD in the bank.

It was great to see the organizers listened to my suggestion about having performances. These days a fete without artistes is basically Soca Monarch. I said what I said. When the first artiste came on some people (me) were like who is this guy? I was like "they leting patrons do karaoke, let me go sing Carnival Contract". Then someone told me it was a bloke called College Boy Jesse.

Next up was a big big one...Ding Dong. Before yuh come after me, I'm referring to the boss talent and repertoire. Although I'm worried for anyone he "Throwback" on. I love he vibe though, he always looks like he enjoying himself on stage.

GBM Nutron came on next to sing the "thirst-man" anthem of the season, "one piece". The ladies clearly love dem some GBM because stage side was packed and all stoosh behavior disappeared like my cooler.

Hear nah...yuh see why I shouldn't go out without adult supervision. I kept moving my cooler to different parts of the fete. I eventually parked it by some friends and went roaming. At the end of the fete I couldn't find them or my cooler. I started opening every cooler that looked like mine until one bloke looked at me in confusion like how I looked at College Boy Jesse.

The food court had quite a few options for fried nonsense on sale but somehow I ended up on the Avenue at 2 am buying the same fried nonsense.

All in all I had a good time at Undercover but it's not a fete for everyone. It's a fete for a more mature crowd but not a retirement community dance like Soka in Moka. So if you want a fete where you can have a good time, jam nice people but still carry on a conversation about current world events with friends then it's a great option.

Overall Undercover earned a score of "3.35 - Decent" score on the TL fete ranking system.


PS: my cooler slept out but is safely at my sister's house.


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