TTMB Staff Rooftop Cooler Pardy 2025

Well bai...TTMB I real sorry in advance about this review but it's your own damn fault. From the beginning I was apprehensive for this fete because last year was tremendous and I was worried they couldn't maintain the niceness.

As usual the fete was located on the rooftop of their Dundonald St building and parking was available across the street and on the street. I however hired a driver because I does overdo and these days police out here arresting down to the Commissioner of Police (free Erls boss ✊️).

The shenanigans started on entry. There was a booth in front the elevators where you could take a shot of some concoction called Rude Boy and spin a wheel to win a prize. The misses spun and won nothing but that's OK because she already win in life by meeting me lololol. I on the other hand won a tote containing some groceries. I told them keep it because it have no way I walking around the fete with a bag of rice and nobody want me consuming milk because I'm violently lactose intolerant.

Watch meh...that shot of Rude Boy like it get meh engine racing. I eh know if it was the caffeine or the horny goat weed but it raise a menopause heat in meh system that had me sweating like a tanty cooking with a coal pot. The heat on the rooftop didn't help either.

For those who've never been, the rooftop is a cozy sized place with two sections. The open air outside part with the stage and dancefloor and the air conditioned section inside with the food, bars and the people too nice to get sweaty.

The food options were impressive for a $350 fete. There were food boxes with options for us vegetarians and also for you savage meat eaters.

When we arrived the dancefloor was sparse but I knew it was the calm before the storm. Slowly but surely the crowd was filing in and the crews were starting to assemble like Avengers.

There was a competition for the biggest crew and the crew with the most vibes. While LEX Caribbean had the biggest crew and plenty vibes with a big flag and jerseys that said "take it easy Lex will do the work", I hadda give it to the JDS crew since a nice young lady hailed me out and took selfies with meh. Sorry LEX, winners does follow Tana's Log.

After the saftey briefing (yeah we reach that early), the DJ gave us an old soca session but not in a "allyuh don't know new soca" kinda way. The man was building a vibe for when the performances actually started.

First up was a bloke called Juby. Brudda, I admire the enthusiasm eh but ah mean....What? What was that??? I hope all they gave him was a free ticket and a box of food inno. I feel my padna Wing and I coulda go up and do a better job. I woulda sing my remix of Kes song..."no sweetness....only 'eenis"

Thankfully there was plenty gin in the cooler to numb the pain of listening to Juby and GBM Nutron was next. Hear nah, GBM have tunes to giveaway. He coulda well lend Juby two.

The lineup was impressive with stars like Blaka Dan, Farmer Nappy and Mical Teja. I even tried going live to show allyuh the scene. I forget to carry my fancy camera I bought for exclusive party footage inno. Next fete.

Whole night people blaming me for the thickness of the crowd but nobody was complaining when Ding Dong bring a lovely thickers on stage to Throwback she bumper. Dong like he was shocked at she energy and skill too eh.

By the time Nessa Preppy hit the stage the crowd was fat like the thing that could barely fit in she bloomers. Whoever out there knows Nessa please tell her we don't like the PG-13 version of that song. Tell her nothing wrong with saying "panty" in public...just doh show we the contents......on stage. Nessa looking to make people loss they wuk. I sure the chick she call on the stage gonna end up in HR on Monday. Anna blame the alcohol and the heat girl, I go back yuh up.

Yung Bredda get the biggest forward of the night. The boss have a monster hit and a real positive energy.  I didn't really care for the kaiso he sing but do your ting homie. My only concern is when he reach 45 how he go still be calling himself Yung Bredda.

Next up was Lyrikal but I couldn't stay for the Brooklyn Machel performance. It was time for me to hit the four doubles people of the apocalypse located inside. My timing was impeccable as the line was thin like my wife patience with me at that point.

The lady was ready to buss out long time and of course I was looking to help the Committee sweep up and lock up. I was happy to meet some of the Committee members to give them feedback for improvements such as maybe a bigger venue and comps for a certain cacahole blogger.

All in all TTMB yuh fete WIN....again. Allyuh on top the standings so far like Real Madrid, earning yourself a hard to beat "4.1/5 Excellent" on the TL Fete Ranking system. Next year I promise to push allyuh fete even harder so know what allyuh doing.





Undercover Cooler Fete 2025