Camouflage Laws
Now I ain't no lawyer right, and my mind real simple. But these excerpts are the clauses relevant to camouflage in the Defence Act and the Summary Offences Act. From my simpleton, layman's understanding, these clauses seem to suggest that the offense is wearing the TTDF uniform, any part of the TTDF uniform or any article of clothing so closely resembling that uniform it could be mistaken for the TTDF uniform.
Now I know what you're thinking, it's probably in the Customs Act, which is what I thought too. So I looked up the previous notice from Customs that said all camouflage, every single colour in the smarties pack, is illegal and they even quoted the relevant section in the Act. However, either my reading glasses ain't working properly or section 213 of the Customs Act that they quoted, merely says you can't import prohibited items or hide that you bring them in. So to my untrained and probably cokeye, it appears Customs has it's own interpretation of prohibited goods which doesn't match back to either the Defence Act or the Summary Offences Act as it pertains to camouflage.
They also quote Legal Notice 33 of 1984 which specifically states that the importation of all camouflage is illegal but is inconsistent with the above laws and has been challenged in court as being overly broad and contrary to the constitution.
So could a lawyer or Customs Officer explain how in the chicken foot souse, with a bloomers at the bottom, could pink camo, desert storm camo, blue camo, grey camo, tie dye camo so closely resemble the TTDF uniform as to make it illegal?
And if I'm right, stop playing up in allyuh fadda head. Please and thanks