BLISS Costume Collection 2023

Bliss costume collection started today and you could feel the excitement. Well maybe that was just the adrenaline I was still feeling after the car accident I had in Wookbrook on my way to the Trinidad Hilton.

Collection was a breeze, as I was in and out in less than 10 minutes, which in this case is a good thing. I was thoroughly impressed by how smooth it was although it probably had more to do with the day of the week and time of day than anything else.

Yuh see most of the locals are still working today, or at least still going through the motions at their respective places of employment. While the foreigners only starting to come in droves from probably tomorrow. Doh mind Brooklyn already here with their tall white socks, Air Force 1s and heavy set persons in lycra spandex that's being stretched way beyond it's engineering limits.

I love costume collection time, especially when all the crowds are there. Most people in the best shape they had time to get into for carnival. Nice birds everywhere and buff dudes too, if yuh into that sort of thing.

I decided this year to give allyuh a view of the costume package we get for all that coin we pay. As a man my whole costume is comprised of a short pants and tank top (a fancy beaters). This year they gave me a cap!! I don't usually wear caps because my tonka bean too big. I go be wearing the people cap and looking like I selling nuts in the stadium.

However, the "goodie" bag itself is a thing of quality. It's a proper back pack inno. Complete with zippered pockets and everything. I'm sure Tempa aka Trinidad Dora (thanks for this reference Melissa Clyne) could use it in her performances this week. The bag have plenty pockets for gum and too-doo paper.

The pièce de résistance is that blue cylindrical apparatus with the big B on it you see in the pic. That is a portable wireless speaker!!! Yes padna, look how I walking in the bank this week ponging out "Hard Fete" and "Tornado!!".

Alright, I know some of allyuh itching to hear about the "accident". So before I have to answer the 4,000 of allyuh individually, here's the story:

I was proceeding east on the street between Cookin Vibez and Brooklyn bar. I only know locations in Woodbrook by the bars on them. Anyway, I stopped to give a man a lil bligh to cut across Roberts Street to head down Luis Street. As I was pulling off and driving past the most beat out (or is it beat up, whatever), Mazda B2500 pickup, this genius fling open his door like a he about to drop an inflatable slide to evacuate the plane. The next thing I know his old door scraping down my car from front fender to back fender leaving a hole in the front.


Watch meh...I wanted to hit that man the hardest "bellas" of he life. The kind Tactical Police in the checkered van or cream colored Mazda 626 used to hit men breaking curfew during the 1990 coup. It's a good thing I didn't though or I would have been posting this from jail using a cell phone that was strapped to somebody colon because two police cars passed at the same time.

I would say I'm not naturally a violent person but that would be a lie. As a local "red man" of "pongkin" vine Latin decent, my blood is naturally close to my skin. However, I have worked hard over the years to become a kinder, gentler, less caustic version of myself, with varied degrees of success.

I stood up in the middle of the road looking to the heavens, shaking, asking the lord to give me a sign as to why I shouldn't lay hands on this man. Worse yet when he bawl "the door just fling out". I tell him hush he mouth inno because that level of dotish would make me knock his teeth out like chicklets.

Anyway, good sense prevailed, I made a report and went for my costume. Now, thanks to this "Yi-Yon" I have to spend my carnival leave dealing with this tomfoolery. I feel I going to take it out on the gin in Pon De Grass tomorrow night.



Pon De Grass 2023


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