Undercover Cooler Fete 2023

So we kicked off our 2023 Carnival feteing this weekend with the Undercover Cooler event at the Undercover plant nursery up in the 'Cruz'.

First off let me say I real support the concept behind this fete. It's about reducing your carbon footprint and feteing green. Not feteing green in the "spend more money on marketing than on proper service" Bmobile kinda way eh. Down to the vendors were encouraged to use eco-friendly oil when frying the cardiovascular-unfriendly food that was on sale.

The logistics were great for the most part. When we arrived parking was easy and more than sufficient, the attendants were polite and helpful. The entrance was quick with no real line or even cooler check. I guess they knew they could rely on the honor system with this crowd.

The one complaint I heard was related to the toilets. The toilets were well lit and placed not too far from the main dance floor. However, while that was certainly convenient from a not "wee-wee" yourself point of view, the later it got in the night it was less convenient from a "burn your nose" aspect. I didn't experience that personally because as a general rule I don't situate myself in a party near the poo-poo closets.

Anyway...back to the action. Undercover had all the ingredients of a good fete. Plenty good looking people in a party mood, good atmosphere, relatively decent DJs although they played way too much old music (the bane of every fete goers existence with these fellas), there were a number of free shots and drinks sample stations, food on sale, they even had blue fire spitting jab jab dudes who were way too comfortable invading people personal space....all this for the low low price of $300 (early bird tickets).

I knew going in that this party was no "Hard Fete". I knew I was never going to see any "big flag going over head like canopy" or "rag in me back pocket with a white vest, sneakers and Wallabys". The party is more of a reunion, get-together kind of vibe rather than a wine and jam, primary school recess sweaty-back vibe.

Unlike Bunji, I does usually go party to stand up (until I get inebriated), but he tune had me partying with meh hand up. This one is my pick for season so far. Not sure how it would do on the stage but it will mash up big fete like Soaka and Army. My crew was one of the very few who were jumping in the middle of the crowd. Apart from the stoosh people there, I blame the DJs for not doing enough to hype up the crowd.

The wife undertook the job of mixing my drinks to try to regulate my level of "enjoyment". Of course this backfired because her hand was too heavy with the gin, like she was mixing drinks for Tyrion Lannister. Needless to say I ended up high on the sauce, in the bake and shark line, giving my best King's Counsel argument as to why a side of fries is a good idea at 1am.

All in all Undercover was a decent party. The one suggestion I would make for next year is they could raise the price and bring a soca artiste or two. They doh have to get anybody super big, although even the small artistes expensive now. Long time yuh coulda hire certain DJ/singers for $50, a box of food and a free ticket. Now everybody pee frothing, have hits and calling for B14 roll-on roll-off price. I know allyuh want me call names....allyuh like a comess and bacchanal. Not me papa!



Bye Bye Soca Monarch
