WASA Bans Hose
How dare they…I mean, as long as human trafficking isn’t involved and it’s totally voluntary, nobody should tell people what they can and cannot do with their bodies…wait what? Wrong kind of h….never mind.
Seriously though…watch meh...every time WASA comes out with these water restrictions it grinds my gears. I could get into the usual discussion about “why they don’t fix the leaks?” or stop wasting water when they filling water trucks but that’s an exercise in futility. Kind of like asking why people does listen to Trevor Sayers.
I am a simple man so I may not have all the information or a full grasp of WASA’s circumstances, so this piece is more of a fact finding mission. First off, I don’t understand why WASA does operate like Goldilocks. When it’s dry season the reservoirs are dangerously low so they have to implement restrictions. When it’s wet season there is too much water flowing to the reservoirs causing debris to clog the intake pipes so they have to shutdown reservoirs for maintenance. Apparently conditions need to be just right for WASA to provide a regular water supply to the population, and even then only to some.
Then they come with these blanket restrictions on anything to do with water. Hear nah, they ban the use of water fountains even though water fountains use a kind of recycling system. Meaning, if the fountain needs 5 gallons to function, it uses the same 5 gallons ‘ad infinitum’. Next they go ban Iwer from throwing he 250ml bottle of water on the crowd.
I have a couple questions I would like to ask the decision makers at WASA. I am a good, law abiding, citizen and certainly don’t want to have to pay your whopping TT$75 fine, when I conserve water and help reduce the load on the system, am I getting some kind of rebate? Secondly, and more importantly, allyuh ever try to wash down Rottweiler poop with a bucket, worse yet ones that eat mango and have poor guts?
I’m not saying that I plan to break allyuh hose ban eh but let’s just say I putting aside a $75 just in case ‘flour more than water’ in my front yard.