Surprise FC St. Lucia Tour Pt. 1

Last week, while allyuh was here chasing down tax dodgers and stealing doubles vendors, my fete match team and I were in St Lucia playing in an old man football tournament (over 40 and over 50). Hear nah, you've never traveled until you've traveled with a group of old men who are not seasoned travelers and are technologically and vision challenged.

Before the trip even started we had a man who only realized 2 days before departure that his passport was expired. Needless to say he’s the leading contender for this year’s Ballon D’unce award. We had another man home in Oropune just breezing at 9:30am for our 11:30am flight which was actually departing at 10:30am. Somehow he made it onto the flight and was proud of himself. Needless to say he’s also vying for the dunce title.

Knowing the miscreants I was rolling with I put the link for the St Lucia immigration form in our group chat to avoid the whole "wah form? We have this to fill out? What they mean by port of embarkation? Tana come fill this out nah, I can't see. It have wifi here?" Guess what happened when we landed in St Lucia. I swear these men worse than chirren.

Speaking of landing. The hour long flight was short and sweet until the landing. I mean, any landing you walk away from is a good landing but Jah, the plane was swaying like a tanty  playing mas in Lost Tribe.

The 15 min drive from the airport to Rodney Bay was about 30 mins and let me tell you, Lucian drivers are menaces on the road. Nobody gives anybody a chance and as a pedestrian yuh better watch yuh back. Our driver for the trip back to the airport literally almost got us killed high in the mountains but that's a story for another day.

Our hotel location was within walking distance of everything in the Rodney Bay area. Massy Stores, souvenir shops, bars and clubs, the beach, local vendors selling 2 liter bottles of coconut water for the equivalent of TT$26 and even a vegan food place. Our favorite venue was the Karaoke bar where I lost my voice after several nights of shelling down the place performing Carnival Contract. I eh know how Garlin and Vaughnette Bigford does do it nah.

After a day of consuming copious amounts of gin, vodka, rum, Piton (local beer), Campari (not me and that gazool) we hit up the street party in Gros Islet. Talk about madness garçon. It's like a massive Carnival blocko they have every Friday night.

There's no way we could have that in T&T and still function as a nation. We go overdo. Which is what happened with our team and probably wasn't a good idea the night before our two hot sun games, including a 3pm game against one of the tournament favorites. But we're trini so we doh business.

I will give allyuh the scores (pun intended) in the next part of this review. Too many shenanigans to do in one post. Stay tuned.



Surprise FC St. Lucia Tour Pt. 2


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